Tuesday, May 29, 2012


     I would like for anyone reading this to pray for a new ministry that we will be launching in Baja California, Mexico.  In Mexico we have a large number of INDIGENOUS PEOPLE.  Some call them "Indians".  They are scattered all over Mexico and they speak many different dialects.  They tend to basically to stay to themselves and are not at all open to outsiders because of the persecution and exploitation they have suffered.  BUT, they have souls that will spend eternity SOMEWHERE.
     Many of the tribes have been evangelized.  Others have become very Mexicanized.  But, there are others that still hold to their own culture and live very much to themselves,
     Missionary Jon Nelms, a friend of MANY years, founded FINAL FRONTIERS on the basis that the real future of missions in many countries will be the NATIONAL PASTORS.  He has been in scores of countries around the world and has a special burden for the indigenous people (tribes) .
     Some years ago, at Christmastime, we showed a Bible film in a couple of tribes but we did not follow through.  When Jon agreed to come to the Graduation Fellowship in June he asked that we try to set up a visit with one of our nearby tribes.  Pastor Daniel from the Rosarito church made inquiries and visited one of the tribes about three hours from our base in Rosarito.  
     It is not our desire to go where the Gospel is established.  ALL my ministry on the mission field I have PRACTICED taking the Gospel to establish Bible-preaching Independent Baptist churches where there is a REAL need.  I have NEVER built a work from members of other churches, while many around us have built from our ministry.  But, to God be the glory!  We did not want to go to a tribe that is basically  evangelized.  So, Pastor Daniel investigated various tribes and found a group called the CUMIAY tribe.
     They live in the mountains about two hours from any large city.  They are 20 minutes back in the mountains from even a small village called OJOS NEGROS.   Someone built a small chapel there but, there are only TWO CHRISTIAN FAMILIES in the tribe and they suffer greatly for their faith!
     We now have permission to enter the tribe, pass out tracts AND preach the Gospel!  At least, those two families will be encouraged and we trust souls will be saved.  The family that furnish our Gospel tracts have made an emergency order to have on hand.
     BUT, here is my request for SPECIAL prayer -- we do NOT just want to have one service there!  We want to be so kind and respectful to them that they will allow us to come on a regular basis.  However, that will require more gas expenses and more workers.  Yes, we are getting spread kind of  thin; but, HOW CAN WE REJECT SUCH AN OPEN DOOR?  I don't believe God would call us to do something that He does not already have planned out.  It's called WALKING BY FAITH.  PRAY FOR US.  

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